Ease of Doing Business (Episode 1)
Ease of Doing Business is one key index of quality of political governance. India ranks 142nd in the World Bank Report. To improve it to the level of 50th by 2017 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken several initiatives in the recent months and seems to be closely monitoring the measures taken by different arms of the Government. To discuss what needs to be done on the ground level TIOL TUBE, In its first episode on 'Ease of Doing Business', invited Mr T R Rustagi, former Joint Secretary, TRU, CBEC; Dr Suraj Kumar, a policy analyst; Mr Anil Bhardwaj, General Secretary, FISME and Mr Bimal Jain from PHD Chamber. TIOL TUBE also got CBDT Chairperson, Anita Kapur's and CBEC Chairman, Kaushal Srivastava's views on the same.